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We will consider original short fiction, flash fiction, essays, poetry, opinion pieces, life writing, articles, research topics, interviews, top ten lists, monologues, original photography, cartoons, artist showcase…if I like it, I’ll publish it. Our 100-word Flash Fiction Challenge is running this month too! PLEASE READ THE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES BEFORE SENDING IN YOUR WORK! We are busy volunteers; submissions not adhering to the guidelines will not be read. We happily accept submissions at any time. There is no reading fee. Submissions must be your own work. Copyright remains with the contributor. WE ARE A SMALL TEAM OF BUSY VOLUNTEERS SO PLEASE BEAR WITH US AS IT MAY BE SOME TIME BEFORE YOU RECEIVE A REPLY!
Out Now! Shorts Summer 2022
Submission Guidelines
Shorts considers submissions from anywhere in the world. In keeping with the magazine’s name, keep it, well, short. 2000 words maximum is recommended. Submissions must be in English (unless by prior agreement with the Editor) and each piece must be sent as a separate email attachment in a Word-compatible document to Include your name and word count next to your title, and a MAXIMUM 30-word author bio. Submissions not meeting these requirements will not be considered. We are busy volunteers and simply don’t have the time to cut and paste into the correct format for you!
Shorts magazine is published four times a year, and includes short fiction, flash fiction, sci-fi, life writing, poetry, essays, science, research, opinion pieces, monologues, drama, top ten lists, photography, featured artists. Shorts particularly welcomes writing from under-represented minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, people who care about the environment, creative writers, flash fiction fans, list fanatics, non-writers who want to ‘have a go’, introverts happier speaking out in writing, animal lovers, Marmite lovers, Marmite haters, Arlo Guthrie wannabes, etc. etc. Send it in. If I like it, I’ll print it. Editor’s decision is final; copyright remains with the contributor. Shorts is a free magazine and all contributors donate their time and skills. We’d love to hear from you. Don’t be shy now.