Open Call for Submissions closing 15th August 2020

Shorts magazine is considering submissions for its Summer edition, published 20th August.

We are now accepting original short fiction, essays, poetry, opinion pieces, life writing, articles, research topics, interviews, top ten lists, monologues, original photography, cartoons, artist showcase…if I like it, I’ll publish it. Please make sure you read the submission guidelines before sending in your work!

Submissions must be your own work; copyright remains with the contributor.

Contact Shorts magazine at:

Mission Statement & Ethos

Shorts is a free online magazine which launched in February 2020 with the aim of bringing together writers and creative artists from all over the world. Shorts particularly encourages submissions from marginalised communities, and from new and emerging writers. 

Shorts was established in a time of growing isolationism on the part of the UK and the US, and aims to combat this by uniting global creatives and nurturing unheard voices. It is an LGBTQ+ friendly platform with a liberal outlook.

Shorts encourages contributions from all around the world, and aims to nurture a global community of writers and readers. We particularly welcome writing from under-represented minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, people who care about the environment, creative writers, flash fiction fans, list fanatics, non-writers who want to ‘have a go’, introverts happier speaking out in writing, animal lovers, Marmite lovers, Marmite haters, Arlo Guthrie wannabes, etc. etc. if you don’t consider yourself to be a ‘writer’, but have something to say, we’d like to encourage you. Do you have a subject you’d like to write about? A topic or point of view you’d like to share with a global audience? Now’s your chance. A cool photograph or an original cartoon? Send it in. A travelogue or a research interest? Shorts would like to hear from you too!

Are you a well-wisher who’d like to make a positive contribution, large or small, to Shorts, enabling those ‘silent voices’ to be heard? We are actively seeking funding to improve our presence online. Donations welcome via Paypal to 

Shorts is a free magazine, all contributors donate their time and skills. Please consider making a small donation to help fund our web costs; even if it’s only one dollar, pound, euro, *insert currency of your choice* or the price of a coffee ($5 in Starbucks, sheesh!) it will be greatly appreciated!

Shorts is produced by the writer and poet Marnie Devereux in northern Arizona, US.

Submission Guidelines

Shorts considers submissions from anywhere in the world. In keeping with the magazine’s name, keep it, well, short. 2000 words maximum is recommended. Submissions must be in English (unless by prior agreement with the Editor) and each piece must be sent as a separate email attachment in a Word-compatible document to Include your name and word count next to your title, and a MAXIMUM 30-word author bio. Submissions not meeting these requirements will not be considered. We are busy volunteers and simply don’t have the time to cut and paste into the correct format for you!

Shorts magazine is published four times a year, and includes short fiction, flash fiction, sci-fi, life writing, poetry, essays, science, research, opinion pieces, monologues, drama, top ten lists, photography, featured artists. Shorts particularly welcomes writing from under-represented minorities, the LGBTQ+ community, people who care about the environment, creative writers, flash fiction fans, list fanatics, non-writers who want to ‘have a go’, introverts happier speaking out in writing, animal lovers, Marmite lovers, Marmite haters, Arlo Guthrie wannabes, etc. etc. Send it in. If I like it, I’ll print it. Editor’s decision is final; copyright remains with the contributor. Shorts is a free magazine and all contributors donate their time and skills. We’d love to hear from you. Don’t be shy now.